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This site is produced by Roche as a partner of Roche Foundation Medicine.

Our portfolio

High-quality portfolio

A portfolio of extensively validated comprehensive profiling services to guide treatment and research decisions at optimal times beneficial to your patients' journeys

Foundation Medicine's portfolio of extensively validated comprehensive genomic profiling services provides powerful insights to guide efficient, personalised treatment decisions at optimal t imes beneficial to your patients' journeys:1-8
Solid tumourHaematologic malignancy andsarcomaWhattype of tumour does your patient have?Tissue sampleBlood sampleTissue-based test for solid tumours1,2Liquid biopsy test for solid tumours4,5Test for haematological malignancies and sarcomas7,8
All our services use our leading comprehensive genomic profiling approach to identify clinically relevant alterations and potentially expand treatment options

All of Foundation Medicine's services use our leading comprehensive genomic profiling approach, wich broadly analyses the tumour genome to identify clinically relevant alterations and potentially expands patients' treatment options.1,2,4,5,7-13
Genomic database


As our understanding of cancer evolves, so do our tests

Our continuously growing genomic database currently includes over 400,000 genomic profiles in over 150 common and rare tumour subtypes. Advanced bioinformatics interpret the data, including rare and complex alterations, to generate powerful insights.14 Our tests are constantly evolving to capture the most clinically relevant genomic alterations so you stay up-to-date and the latest treatment options can be considered.1,2,4,5

Our growing database includes 200,000+ genomic profiles, allowing our tests to constantly evolve so we can provide the most clinically relevant insights
  1. Frampton GM et al. Development and validation of a clinical cancer genomic profiling test based on massively parallel DNA sequencing. Nat Biotechnol; 31: 1023–1031. 2013
  2. FoundationOne®CDx Technical Specifications, 2018. Available at: (Accessed August 2020).
  3. FoundationOne®CDx FDA Approval, 2017. Available at: (Accessed August 2020).
  4. Data on file: FoundationOne Liquid CDx Technical Specifications, 2020. Available at: (Accessed August 2020).
  5. Data on file: Clinical and analytical validation data file for FoundationOne Liquid CDx.
  6. FoundationOne Liquid CDx FDA Approval, 2020. Available at: (Accessed August 2020).
  7. FoundationOne®Heme Technical Specifications, 2017. Available at: (Accessed August 2020).
  8. He J et al. Integrated genomic DNA/RNA profiling of hematologic malignancies in the clinical setting. Blood; 127: 3004–3014. 2016
  9. Drilon A et al. Broad, Hybrid Capture–Based Next-Generation Sequencing Identifies Actionable Genomic Alterations in Lung Adenocarcinomas Otherwise Negative for Such Alterations by Other Genomic Testing Approaches. Clin Cancer Res ; 21: 3631–3639. 2015
  10. Rankin A et al. Broad Detection of Alterations Predicted to Confer Lack of Benefit From EGFR Antibodies or Sensitivity to Targeted Therapy in Advanced Colorectal Cancer. Oncologist ; 21: 1306–1314. 2016
  11. Ross JS et al. Nonamplification ERBB2 genomic alterations in 5605 cases of recurrent and metastatic breast cancer: An emerging opportunity for anti-HER2 targeted therapies. Cancer; 122: 2654–2662. 2016
  12. Suh JH et al. Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Facilitates Implementation of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines for Lung Cancer Biomarker Testing and Identifies Patients Who May Benefit From Enrollment in Mechanism-Driven Clinical Trials. Oncologist ; 21: 684–691. 2016
  13. Hirshfield KM et al. Clinical Actionability of Comprehensive Genomic Profiling for Management of Rare or Refractory Cancers. Oncologist; 21: 1315–1325. 2016
  14. Foundation Insights. Available at: (Accessed August 2020).